Skunk Removal Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado Counties
Humane Nuisance Skunk Removal and Control
Skunks under your house, shed or deck? Does your dog keep getting sprayed? Lawn damage? Sacramento Valley Wildlife Services can help to trap, control, and rid your problem skunks!
The Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) can be a nuisance due to it’s odor and horrific smell. This animal in its natural habitat is non-aggressive but rarely runs from a threat. It is often found in residential areas. The essence the skunk emits, n-butylmercaptan, can cause temporary blindness with a direct hit. A near miss can cause gagging and nausea. Removal of skunks can be tricky due to their natural defense; however, they are our specialty! Call our experts today at 916-802-9453!
Sacramento Valley Wildlife Services specializes in skunk removal and control services for Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer, and Yolo counties and provides humane and affordable nuisance wildlife trapping services. We find that skunk removal is quite a popular need in Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Rancho Cordova, Citris Heights, Orangevale, and Folsom. So if you searched for skunk removal near me and are within a 45 mile radius from Sacramento, please give us a call to come and help control your striped foul smelling problem.
Trapping services for properties in Carmichael, Orangevale, Citrus Heights, Folsom, Sacramento and surrounding counties where nuisance skunk removal and control is needed. Call Today and get your skunk problems solved once and for all.

More about Skunk Removal and Control Services for the Sacramento Area
How to Find Professional Skunk Removal Services to Keep Your Home and Yard Safe and Odor-Free
1. What is Skunk Control and Removal?
2. Why is it Necessary to Remove Skunks?
3. Common Ways to Remove Skunks
4. Removal Safety Tips
5. DIY Skunk Disposal
6. Signs of Skunk Infestation
7. Preventing Skunk Infestation
8. Wild Animal Removal Cost
9. Skunk Removal Sacramento Laws & Regulations
10. Sacramento Skunk Removal Services Near You
Facts About Skunks
1. Skunk removal services are used by an estimated 2 million households in the United States each year. (Source: National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
2. Skunks are the second most common nuisance wildlife species in the U.S., behind raccoons. (Source: National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
3. The average cost of a skunk removal service is between $150 and $500, depending on the severity of the problem. (Source: National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
4. Skunks can cause significant damage to property, including digging up lawns, destroying gardens, and chewing through wires and pipes. (Source: National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
5. Skunks can carry diseases such as rabies and distemper, which can be transmitted to humans and pets. (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
1. What is Skunk Control and Removal?
Skunk removal is a process that involves trapping and safely relocating skunks from residential or commercial property. It’s not an easy task, as these animals can be quite stubborn and resistant to capture. Unlike general pest control companies, you need a specialize wild animal removal service. With the right tools, techniques and knowledge of skunk behavior, it is possible to successfully remove them without injury or incident. A knowledgeable skunk removal company is a fast and reliable way to accomplish this. Additionally, there are numerous ways to deter these creatures from returning to the same area and skunk control companies also provide these services as decks, sheds, and around foundations are notorious areas for skunks taking up residence.
One of the most common approaches for skunk removal is trapping. Skunk trapping allows you to capture the animal without coming into direct contact with it, which greatly reduces the risk of being sprayed or otherwise injured by the creature. Nothing worse than skunk’s spray scent on your clothes. (Look out when the tail goes up) A variety of traps are available on the market including foothold traps and cages designed specifically for skunks. Once you’ve identified where you believe there may be a problem, it’s important to set up your trap in a way that will make it more likely for them to enter. This might include using bait such as fish or dog food, as well as positioning it near their den-site or regular pathways used by them when they’re out looking for food.
Once a skunk has been captured in your trap, relocation is necessary in order to prevent them from simply returning back home again afterwards! In order to do this effectively, finding a suitable location away from human habitation is essential; ideally someplace that contains plenty of foliage offering protection and plentiful food sources like grubs and insects – this should encourage them to stay put after they arrive! Depending on your local regulations regarding wildlife control, you may require additional permits before releasing any trapped animals back into their natural habitat too!
Overall, while skunk removal in Sacramento County can seem daunting at first glance – with proper planning and preparation it is entirely possible to succeed in removing unwanted guests humanely! With patience and caution taken throughout every step of the process – success will follow in no time at all! Just don’t forget: safety first!
2. Why is Removing Skunk’s is Necessary?
Skunk removal is a vital part of maintaining the health and safety of our communities. Not only can skunks cause serious damage to property, but they also carry disease and parasites that can be harmful to humans. It’s important to take measures for skunk removall in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Firstly, skunks can cause significant destruction on your property if not removed quickly. They often dig through gardens and lawns, destroying plants/flowers in their search for food. Additionally, they are known for chewing through wood surfaces or even wiring, which could lead to costly repairs if ignored. Furthermore, skunks have been known to spray an unpleasant odor (skunk smell is putrid) when feeling threatened by humans or other animals – this smell can be quite difficult (and expensive) to get rid off!
On top of the physical damage they cause, skunks are also notorious carriers of several diseases and parasites that can negatively affect human health. These include rabies, tularemia and even roundworm parasites that can be transferred from pet dogs or cats who encounter infected skunks outdoors. Therefore it is imperative that we take appropriate action to ensure these critters don’t become too comfortable living near our homes/businesses! A company that is certified in skunk control services, licensed and insured can help remove problem skunks and prevent their return.
In conclusion, it is essential that we take steps towards proper skunk removal in order to preserve our properties as well as safeguard ourselves against potential diseases or infections. This might involve trapping them humanely and relocating them away from populated areas – but whatever method you choose it’s important to do so swiftly before any more harm is done! Let’s all do our part in keeping our neighborhoods safe from pesky critters like these!
3. Common Skunk Removal Methods
Common Skunk Removal Methods can be a tricky (but rewarding) task. There are several ways to go about it, but it’s important to make sure you’re taking the right steps! (Note: A typical pest control company provides pest control services for rats, mice, spiders, ants, cockroaches and sometime termites. For help with skunks you want a Wildlife Removal Service Company that deals with skunks, raccoons, opossum, snakes, beavers, etc.) First off, one of the best methods is to prevent skunks from entering your property in the first place. This means making sure all possible entry points- such as holes and cracks- are securely sealed. You should also keep pet food and garbage cans tightly closed in order to reduce potential attractants. Additionally, using motion activated lights can help deter them!
Furthermore, if skunks have already entered your space then you may need to take more drastic measures. One of these includes live trapping- which involves setting up a trap with bait and releasing the animal once caught. However, this method requires patience and skill so it may not be suitable for everyone! If you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself then you can always hire a professional service who specializes in skunk removal. They will have access to special tools and knowledge that can help ensure success! (and avoid getting the noxious stench on yourself)
Lastly, while these methods are great for removing skunks from your property they won’t necessarily stop them from coming back in the future. To really avoid any further issues you’ll want to take some extra precautions like trimming trees or shrubs near your home or garage and adding barriers like fencing around areas where skunks might try to gain access again. With all this taken into consideration there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to rid your area of pesky skunks for good!!
4. Skunk Riddance Safety Tips
Skunk removal is a tricky process. It’s important to take the necessary safety precautions when attempting to remove one from your home or property. (First and foremost!), make sure there are no children or pets in the vicinity of the animal. If possible, wear protective gear such as gloves or long sleeves to avoid being sprayed by the skunk! Nothing worse than skunk spray which requires odor remover (or garbage cans!). Additionally, never attempt to corner, trap, or hurt the skunk in any way.
For starters, it’s best to keep calm and back away slowly while making sure not to startle the animal. Doing this will help reduce its defensive behavior and give you time to prepare for its removal. Furthermore, try setting up a live-trap with bait like canned fish or sardines. For optimal results, place a towel over the cage so that it appears dark and secure inside. Once trapped, cover the cage with a heavy blanket before carrying it outside far away from your home/property. (otherwise you get sprayed and will stink and odorous smell)
Although it’s unlikely for skunks to carry rabies due to their low body temperature, always practice caution since some may be infected with other diseases. In conclusion, take proper safety measures when removing these animals from your property and remember – never try handling them without professional assistance!
5. DIY Wild Animal Removal
DIY skunk removal can be a difficult task, but it is possible (if you are willing to put in the effort!). It’s important to remember there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some methods may work for some people and not for others. Before attempting any DIY skunk removal method, make sure you understand the risks involved and take all necessary precautions!
One option when dealing with a pesky skunk on your California property is trapping. This involves setting up a cage trap baited with something the animal will find attractive such as canned fish or cornmeal. Once the animal has entered the cage, it can then be transported safely away from your home. You should remember though that this technique requires patience and experience, so if you don’t feel comfortable trapping an animal yourself then it would be best to call in professionals instead!
Another way of tackling unwanted skunks on your property is repellents. These come in many forms including sprays, granules and even sound machines which generate high pitched noises that deter animals from entering your yard. While these products may not always be effective, they do provide an alternative to more difficult methods and are worth considering if other options fail. And yet another pro tip – make sure you check local laws before using any kind of repellent as some areas have restrictions on their use.
Finally, one last thing you might want to try is exclusion barriers such as fences or netting which can help keep skunks away from your home in the first place! Exclusion techniques require much more intensive labor than repellents or traps but they can prove invaluable if used correctly. But beware – these measures should only ever be taken after all other options have been explored as they often involve significant costs and disruption to your home environment!
So there we have it: DIY Skunk Removal isn’t easy but with the right know-how it’s certainly feasible! Just remember: research thoroughly, observe safety protocols and never neglect local California law regulations – then you’ll stay out of trouble (and keep those pesky critters away!) Now go forth; armed with knowledge!
6. Signs of Skunk Infestation
Skunk infestations can be a real nightmare for homeowners! (Not to mention the smell!) Signs that you may have a skunk living nearby include: strong odors, (which are often pungent and distinct), burrows or holes in yards, gardens and under porches, as well as tracks of small paws on driveways. If you notice any of these signs, you should take immediate action to prevent further damage.
Furthermore, skunks often make loud noises at night. This could indicate they’re digging or searching for food. Additionally, skunks are known to feed on garbage and pet food left outdoors; so if there’s been an increase in this activity lately – that could be a clue too. (And don’t forget about the smelly spray they use for defense!)
Finally, it’s important to also check around your home for damaged fencing or broken windows since skunks like to squeeze through tight spaces and gain access into basements and attics. Moreover, if skunks feel threatened they may become aggressive so it’s best to keep distance and call animal control for assistance. Otherwise, you might end up with serious injuries!
In conclusion, being aware of these signs is key when it comes to knowing whether or not a skunk infestation is present near your home. Although dealing with the problem might seem daunting – taking swift action will help get rid of them quickly before the situation worsens!
7. Preventing Skunk Infestation
Preventing skunk infestation can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be, with the right know-how and a little bit of luck! First off, make sure there aren’t any access points for these critters to enter your property. Fill in any holes or cracks around windows or doors that may be left open, and check for damaged screens. If you observe any signs of a skunk living nearby (like strange noises at night or strange smells), then take immediate action to determine the source and seal off the area if possible.
You should also keep your yard clean by regularly removing food sources such as garbage cans, pet food dishes, bird feeders, and compost piles. Additionally, keeping bushes trimmed back away from your home will help deter skunks from nesting near your house. (It’s also important to note that while mothballs are commonly used to repel skunks away, this is actually an ineffective method!) Lastly, call a professional wildlife removal company (not a pest control company) as soon as possible if you suspect an infestation – they’ll be able to identify the extent of the problem and provide solutions on how best to remove them from your premises safely and effectively.
Furthermore , it is important to remember that prevention is key when dealing with skunks! Once they’ve set up shop in your yard or home, it can be very difficult to get rid of them without assistance from professionals – so take precautionary measures beforehand whenever possible! Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to reach out for expert advice if needed; after all , unwanted pests never yoke pleasant memories!
8. Cost of Getting Rid of Skunks
Skunk removal cost is a significant consideration for anyone dealing with the presence of an unwanted skunk. Nobody wants (to be) living in close proximity to these foul-smelling animals! The costs associated with getting rid of them can vary greatly depending on the severity of the situation. Thankfully, there are several options in Sacramento’s lush habitat available for people looking to safely and effectively get rid of skunks.
Firstly, it’s important to note that relocation is generally not recommended as a viable solution. In most cases, it’s illegal and could potentially cause more damage than good (in terms of) upsetting the natural balance of wildlife in an area. Additionally, skunks may return even after being relocated if they become acclimated to the environment.
Conversely, trapping and exclusion services are highly effective ways to prevent skunks from entering your property in the first place. Traps can range from cheap DIY models up to expensive professional ones but usually cost between $50-$100 dollars or more depending on size and type. Exclusion services involve sealing any potential entry points which could allow unwelcome visitors onto your premises; this typically involves sealing gaps around doors/windows or other access points into your home or outbuildings – it’s often a costly procedure but it’s also highly effective!
Finally, you have extermination methods such as poisons, fumigants, sprays etc., all of which come with their own set of risks and should only be used as a last resort due to their potential danger(s). Depending on what method you choose, prices can range anywhere from $50 up to hundreds (of dollars).
Therefore, when faced with skunk removal cost questions its best to consider all possible solutions before committing too heavily one way or another. Ultimately though it’s down to personal preference and budget constraints – so make sure you weigh up every option carefully before making any final decisions!
9. Skunk Trapping Laws & Regulations
Skunk removal laws and regulations are important pieces of California legislation that (help) maintain a safe and healthy environment for people and wildlife. Unfortunately, these laws can be complex to comprehend, negating the possibility of individuals understanding them in full. For instance, many states have specific ordinances prohibiting trapping skunks without a permit or license from the relevant government body. Additionally, there are often restrictions on what type of traps may be used and where they can be located! It’s also important to note that most states require those who have trapped skunks to euthanize or relocate them pronto.
Moreover, some jurisdictions demand that any individual attempting to remove skunks must first obtain permission from local health authorities or other governing bodies. Furthermore, failure to abide by Sacramento’s regulations may result in hefty fines or even criminal charges in some cases! Despite this complexity though, it is possible for people to familiarize themselves with their state’s particular rules regarding skunk removal. By doing so, one can ensure they aren’t violating any laws whilst taking steps towards eliminating these pesky critters from their property.
Ultimately, adhering to appropriate skunk removal laws and regulations is essential for both human safety and animal welfare. Therefore it’s best for everyone involved if all steps taken towards removing the animals adhere strictly with all applicable rules! With this in mind, anyone dealing with a problem related to skunks should take the time necessary to ensure they understand their area’s legal requirements before proceeding; otherwise unpleasant consequences may ensue!
10. Sacramento Skunk Removal and Control Services Near You
Removing skunks from your vicinity can be a difficult task. But with the right help, it doesn’t have to be! There are many companies that specialize in skunk removal services near you. These experts offer safe and humane solutions for getting rid of pesky critters with minimal disruption to your home or business.
The first step is to identify the problem. You need to determine if there’s an active infestation or if the skunks are just occasional visitors. This will help you decide what type of service is best suited for your situation. Once you’ve identified the problem, you can start looking for a quality provider in your area.
It’s important to research any potential company before making a commitment. Ask friends and family members for referrals and read reviews online. Make sure they have experience dealing with similar issues and that they provide satisfactory customer service. You should also make sure they use humane techniques like trapping and relocation rather than lethal methods such as pesticides or poisons which could put non-target animals at risk!
A good company will also take steps to prevent future problems by sealing up entry points, cleaning up debris, and providing maintenance services such as regular inspections and repairs if necessary. When selecting a provider, inquire about their approach to these measures so you know exactly what kind of protection is included in their package deal. Moreover, don’t forget to ask about pricing too – some providers may offer discounts depending on the size of the job or other factors like location!
In conclusion, finding an experienced skunk removal service near you doesn’t have to be stressful if you do your homework beforehand! With careful research, you can ensure that your property will be free of these smelly pests in no time!